Month: February 2017

Back to Basics

I don’t know about you but I’ve certainly had enough of winter. Despite the positive elements of this season such as the aesthetically pleasing snow and fun winter sports, I find it limiting when it comes to fashion and blogging – often times I’m forced to choose between style and warmth (yes, my creativity runs out once in a while in trying to achieve the best of both worlds) and my blog posts have also been quite monochrome since this is a season with a lack of colour. But! Spring is around the corner, and here I bring you an outfit consisted of simple basics which can strike a powerful impression. Here I wore my white turtleneck sweater and tucked it inside a pair of bright blue jeans for a warm and eye-catching look, then threw on a collared cardigan blazer to add some professional vibe into the casual mix. I added a hat and some red lipstick to complete the look but those are totally optional. I also followed my “have no more than 3 colours in an outfit” rule religiously, as you can …